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Multifamily properties pose a good opportunity for real estate investors

Posted by Jim Emerson

Oct 26, 2022 12:32:32 PM

In our previous entry, we presented some trends and forces affecting commercial real estate, specifically those related to office properties, retail properties, and industrial properties. This article discusses the trends and market forces affecting Multifamily properties. 

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Topics: hard money lenders, houston, real estate, private money lender, real estate investors, AMI Lenders

Will rents keep going up? As a Real Estate Investor in 2022, this is a question you should consider.

Posted by Jim Emerson

Apr 6, 2022 11:15:43 AM

Mr. Marvy Finger, an 86-year-old Houston based real estate investor, was featured this month in Forbes magazine[1] in a fascinating article about the future of rental properties.
Turns out that Marvy Finger recently sold 2 billion dollars worth of rental properties to real estate investor Greystar. Yes, you read it right: 2 billion dollars (worth exactly two thousand million dollars, and that's just half of what Marvy Finger owned before the trade). The article's central theme is that Marvy Finger thinks rents must come down, in short to midterm, from what he thinks are unsustainable levels. In contrast, Gresytar believes that rents will keep increasing, and it's a good time to invest in rental properties.

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Topics: houston, real estate investors, AMI Lenders

Adjusting your Real Estate Investment strategy due to the new economic perils

Posted by Jim Emerson

Mar 30, 2022 4:51:43 PM

Most of us like surprises, when and if they are pleasant surprises. However, the past few weeks surprised the world in a very unpleasant way. The appalling reappearance of war in Eastern Europe. When we look back to the end of last year, we wish world leaders and diplomats had been more determined or forceful to find a solution that would have helped prevent this absurd war. We would have expected things to be different in Eastern Europe and continued to enjoy peace, however fragile. Our deepest desire today is to end the war in Ukraine and return to peace. After witnessing the ravages of war all over our media channels, our hearts go out to all those currently suffering in Ukraine.

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Topics: houston, real estate investors, AMI Lenders, Real Estate Investment

Hard Money Lender Tips for Current or Potential Real Estate Investors

Posted by Jim Emerson

Jan 13, 2022 12:59:58 PM

It is never too late to get into real estate investing. Yet, as with many things in life, you must study and be diligent to be a successful real estate investor because, mind you, real estate investing is not as easy as some make it sound on TV: there are plenty of aspects that could go wrong when buying a property as an investment. In what follows, we give you some tips that might prove helpful to you whether you are a proven investor or are just considering getting into real estate investing.

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Topics: Tips, hard money lenders, houston, real estate investors, AMI Lenders

2021-22 Commercial Real Estate Outlook from a Hard Money Lender’s perspective

Posted by Jim Emerson

Aug 31, 2021 11:22:40 AM

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the global economy and, closer to home, on the Commercial Real Estate industry. Companies that carry on business in commercial real estate premises have had to make many changes due to the lockdowns and instructions to stay at home. This has led to companies digitizing their operations, conducting operations online, ensuring the health and safety of employees, and protecting their employees' financial health. 


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Topics: commercial hard money loan, real estate, real estate investors, AMI Lenders

What will the 2021-2022 residential property market look like for Real Estate investors?

Posted by Jim Emerson

Aug 26, 2021 11:51:46 AM

It would be nice to have a crystal ball here at AMI Lenders to predict the future, but sadly we don't. In any case, given that the hot housing market is very much in the news these days, we would like to help you decide whether the time is right for you to invest in the real estate market in the next 12 to 18 months (we are writing this blog in early September 2021). So, with all the caveats in place and all the legal disclaimers that we are not fortune tellers, the following are some informed predictions about what you might expect to see in the next year and a half in the residential property market. Spoiler: now is the time to invest in residential property.

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Topics: houston, residential hard money loans, real estate investors, AMI Lenders

What Are Hard Money Lenders & How Do They Help Real Estate Investors?

Posted by Jim Emerson

Jul 8, 2021 10:40:27 AM

Most think of "hard money lenders" as risk-takers, loan sharks, high-interest-rate lenders, lenders that require no documentation, and/or lenders who lend only to individuals with bad credit.

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Topics: hard money lenders, real estate, real estate investors, AMI Lenders

Fix and Flip investments Can Be Lucrative If You Avoid These Common Mistakes Made by Real Estate Investors.

Posted by Jim Emerson

Apr 6, 2021 10:56:03 AM

Experienced investors have a good idea about how to make lucrative investments in fix and flip investments. However, not everyone knows how to make a rewarding deal because numerous new real estate investors do not have accurate knowledge about it. AMI Lenders believes fix and flip investments are very profitable. Hence, we have put together a list of common mistakes you must avoid if you want a beneficial investment. 
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Topics: construction loans, houston hard money lenders, fix and flip, real estate investors

Is Remote Working Making Houston Suburbs More Appealing for Real Estate Investors?

Posted by Jim Emerson

Mar 4, 2021 2:14:44 PM

Ever since the coronavirus broke out, stay-at-home orders were imposed everywhere, with people only allowed to step out when it was necessary. The pandemic forced many people to work from home as they couldn't leave their homes to go to work because of the risk of falling sick.

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Topics: real estate, fix and flip, real estate investors


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