Mortgage & Commercial Lending News.

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Los Prestamistas Privados Incitan Sobre Seguros Contra Inundaciones

Posted by Jim Emerson

Oct 5, 2018 3:15:04 PM

Texas se encuentra entre los primeros lugares de la nación en el ranking de daños a la propiedad relacionados con el clima cada año. Por lo tanto, conocer los diferentes tipos de seguros disponibles y sus coberturas es clave. Si vive o planea vivir en uno de los 14 condados costeros o partes del Condado de Harris o la Bahía de Galveston, debe conocer las políticas separadas que están disponibles y que pueden ayudarlo a protegerse de las pérdidas causadas por las inundaciones.

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Topics: houston hard money lenders, private mortgage investors, flood insurance, seguro inundaciones en texas

What Private Mortgage Lenders want you to know about Flood Insurance in Texas

Posted by Jim Emerson

Sep 26, 2018 2:08:55 PM

Texas is amongst the top of the nation in rankings for weather-related property damage each year. Therefore, knowing the different types of insurances available and their coverages is crucial. If you live or plan to live in one of the  14 coastal counties or parts of Harris County or Galveston Bay you should know of separate policies that are available that may help you protect yourselves from losses caused by flooding.

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Topics: Hard Money Loans, hard money lenders, residential hard money loans, houston hard money lenders, private mortgage investors, flood insurance, commercial hard money loan


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